Welcome to the supplier’s section of the Link-Belt Cranes website.

Our goal is to work with our suppliers as a team to manufacture safe, high-quality cranes that meet and exceed the expectations of our customers. Respecting, protecting, and preserving human dignity and the environment must always be a fundamental part of that process.

Within Link-Belt’s community of suppliers and contractors we believe that the risk of modern slavery is low. Link-Belt’s Supplier manual does not require any certification regarding anti-slavery practices and Link-Belt does not utilize a third party for verification of the supplier’s social compliance or certification that the supplier is in compliance with all laws regarding slavery and human trafficking in the countries in which they are doing business. Link-Belt reserves the right to audit and certify a supplier’s business practices. (certification & verification)

Link-Belt employees receive training on Link-Belt’s Code of Ethics and Business Conduct Guidelines which specifies the strong commitment to ethical behavior and compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Internal training records are maintained as evidence to this compliance standard. (training)

Failure to comply with the ethical guidelines contained in Link-Belt’s Supplier manual can result in termination of the business relationship. (accountability)

Please see the download button below for the Supplier Code of Conduct Guide, and our response to the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act.

California Transparency in Supply Chains Act

The following disclosure is made pursuant to the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010, by Link-Belt Cranes on behalf of its parent company and subsidiaries.

Link-Belt Cranes is committed to operating with the highest level of ethical behavior and compliance with all applicable laws and regulations and expects the same performance of all suppliers and contractors. The Link-Belt Supplier manual identifies appropriate business conduct and the conditions of purchase and supply agreements require suppliers & contractors to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Periodically suppliers will participate in onsite audits and these audits have not typically focused on human trafficking or slavery. (audit)

Within Link-Belt’s community of suppliers and contractors we believe that the risk of modern slavery is low. Link-Belt’s Supplier manual does not require any certification regarding anti-slavery practices and Link-Belt does not utilize a third party for verification of the supplier’s social compliance or certification that the supplier is in compliance with all laws regarding slavery and human trafficking in the countries in which they are doing business. Link-Belt reserves the right to audit and certify a supplier’s business practices. (certification & verification)

Link-Belt employees receive training on Link-Belt’s Code of Ethics and Business Conduct Guidelines which specifies the strong commitment to ethical behavior and compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Internal training records are maintained as evidence to this compliance standard. (training)

Failure to comply with the ethical guidelines contained in Link-Belt’s Supplier manual can result in termination of the business relationship. (accountability)